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Live Learning Online Vs Prerecorded Online Courses

Views: 2017
Reviewed by Nymark M, PhD on June 6, 2024

With the advancement of technology education has advanced a lot. From traditional classroom-style classes to self-paced eLearning, learning and development (L&D) methods have evolved to accommodate a variety of learning styles and preferences. One such method is live learning online which offers learners with a more interactive and engaging experience for learners. Before you choose the best option for your company it is important to know how this method differs from the more familiar method of pre-recorded lessons.

What is live learning?

Live learning online, as the name suggests is a virtual learning experience that allows students to how to set up a virtual classroom for online coaching interact in real time with their instructors and peers through a videoconferencing program like Zoom. Live classes are different from other online learning methods because they emphasize real-time communication between students and instructors. This helps students solve any questions and encourages a deeper understanding of the materials.

To maximize the effectiveness of live classes, instructors should plan their classes according to the goals and objectives set out in their overall course design. For instance, instructors must ensure that the activities they conduct in each Live Session add value to the readings or videos they have been assigned by clarifying, expounding the concepts, applying, discussing and analyzing them.

Students in live classes can make stronger bonds with their peers and instructors through discussions in groups and collaborations, which helps them stay motivated throughout the course. This is particularly important for subjects that require a great deal of interaction and understanding, like Chemistry, math, Arabic or Russian.